Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Spring Fling In Full Swing!

I held my first One Kit Call this week and was super excited with the results! I had quite a big response, which is a good sign that the kit will be a hit. I put a lot of whimsical into this one and am very happy with how it turned out. For blog readers only, purchase $9 worth of ANY of my products at Pretty Scrappy or Scraphead and receive $4.50 off! And I'm having a sale. So...pretty much free stuff, which is always nice. Head over and use this coupon code for your discount: SCSPRING9
One of my regular CT ladies, Valeri, did this layout, it's absolutely wonderful! I'm in love with the little flower clusters she put on the tree.
Some more cuteness by Karla:

Here are some great layouts by Ancsika, love that kiss! :

And how about these adorable layouts by Tanja:


  1. Gorgeous layouts! There is a fun little challenge for you with instructions on my blog. http://justpassinthru.wordpress.com

  2. Gorgeous layouts!!! This kit is wonderful (as is all of your kits!), Stacey, so its not a surprise you had a really good turn out for your one kit call!

  3. Stacey,
    Just wanted to let you know that I truly enjoyed working with this kit. It's fun and cheery and so colorful.
    Thank you again,
